Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Reason To Fight

It's hard for me to imagine that any of my readers haven't already read my birth story. On the off-chance that you haven't, you can find it in my side-bar or click here.

For the rest of you, you already know that a large part of what I blog about and a large part of who I am is tied up in my second child, who was born almost four months early and weighed in at 1 lb 5 oz. My little girl's story is one of great triumph, but not without a world of worry and challenges.

No one knows the reason I went into labor at only 23 weeks gestation. No one could ever find a single cause for C's prematurity. I was blessed to have a full-term birth prior to that one and even more blessed to have had one since. But my life will forever be changed and touched by the premature baby I brought into the world...

Today I'm joining forces with close to 400 other bloggers* to Fight for Preemies. Won't you please take just a couple minutes and visit the March of Dimes website? There is a wealth of information there... from what causes premature birth to statistical rates to how your state ranks to how you can help.

Today, November 17, bloggers unite to Fight for Preemies. Won't you join us?

(In an ironic twist, today is also my sister's- a preemie herself!- birthday... Happy Birthday, JB!)

*Update- happily the number of bloggers uniting to Fight for Preemies has soared well beyond 400 now.


  1. Wow. Your story touched me. I too, never did get that second steroid shot. I am so happy she is alive and doing well.

  2. I blog with ya! I fight for my miracle so he doesn't have to fight so hard to get the services he needs. I fight so the next 25 weeker will have even better outcomes... I fight because miracles happen

  3. Thank you for not only joining our Fight for Preemies event but for continuing to talk about the your expereince. Telling a story can be hard and heart-rending but it is so important to put a face and a story to the numbers. We need to Fight on!

  4. Oh my goodness! I just made a radical connection. See your Twitter DMs. No WAY!

  5. JessieLeigh:

    On behalf of the March of Dimes, we want to thank you for your support. It’s important to raise awareness about babies being born too soon. Thanks for reminding everyone today about the importance of fighting for preemies and for joining this event.

    Having a preemie is a tremendous experience, and having a micro-preemie is an even greater challenge. C’s was so courageous and brave to fight with experiences that many of us can’t even imagine. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s important for other families to know that they are not alone.

    p.s. Happy birthday to your sister JB and thanks again for participating in this event.
