Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Hunt

This is how C. spent the Easter egg hunt her first Easter... when she was 1 day old, adjusted, and had been home from the hospital for five days. (She was nearly 4 months old, in reality.)

And this is how she spent this past Easter...

May miracles never cease.

This post is linked to Wordless Wednesday


  1. What a miraculous story you have! God is awesome!

    I love your blog posts and I'm glad you commented on my peanut butter post. :) I, too, am a JIF DIEHARD. But for the first time in my life, I'm loving something completely different. :) It makes me feel more healthy (even if it's just a teensy bit better for me. lol)

  2. That is amazing! What a blessing. And she's adorable, by the way.

    Thanks for stopping by my WW post today.

  3. God is sooo good! How precious-- this just brought a tear to my eye.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it. I read your post on raising healthy eaters (for some reason I couldn't leave a comment there).

    I agree with you in so many ways. =) We have similar parenting styles when it comes to food. I don't make multiple meals for my family. They eat what is served! Cooking with your kids also helps to introduce more healthy foods -- they like to eat what they make!

    Blessings to you~
