Monday, May 2, 2011

Rice Flour Pancakes

We all eat gluten in this house.  Always have.  Most likely, barring health issues that may arise, always will.

Still, I've long lived with the mind-set that, if we don't have it, we do without.  I am simply not one to rush off to the market to pick up this and that whenever a "need" arises.

So, when my son was begging for pancakes and I was looking at mere dust in my flour canister, I got busy making do.

Armed with a bag of rice and a coffee-bean grinder, I set about making rice flour and then concocted these...

Rice Flour Pancakes

  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup rice flour

Combine first three ingredients in medium bowl.  Add rice flour and mix until no lumps remain.  Cover bowl and let stand for at least one hour (or up to overnight.)  Cook on griddle over med-high heat (just like "typical" pancakes.)  

The verdict?  My syrup eaters (husband and older two children) thought they were tasty and fine.  One of them missed the vanilla I usually add to my pancakes, so that's something I would work to remedy in the future.  My youngest child and I noticed a significant difference... the texture is different and, without syrup to mask that, it's very noticeable.  Still, we ate them without complaint.

How about you?  Have you cooked or baked with rice flour?  How did it turn out?

linked to:
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday

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