Friday, May 29, 2009

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks...

(So, this is a picture of my two kiddos in the rusty tub... except... you can't see it. Because I think Blogger thinks there's something "inappropriate" about this pic or something. All of my "tub shots" come up kind of scrambled. Anyway, I promise it's not an offensive shot. ;) I also promise you that, could you see it, you would be able to see my filthy-looking, rusty, icky tub...)

There are many, many things I love about this whole blogging thing. One that I loved even before I started my own blog and became more a part of the "community" was how I was able to learn new things through the wisdom of other women. It is really because of reading blogs that I learned how to be super frugal, how to get all sorts of free samples, how to make my own (fill in the blank), etc... I cannot even begin to tell you how many recipes, tips, and ideas I've found on the pages of blogs...

And, occasionally, I learn something that just blows my mind.

When we moved into this home four years ago, our front bathroom tub had rusty stains. No matter what I did, those stains did not go away. I've lost track of how much money we've shelled out for "rust removers" over the years. I cannot even tell you how many caustic chemicals I've exposed myself to in an effort the clear out those stains. But, rather than go away, they've gotten worse over the years. I certainly clean my tub. We even have "rust buster" water softener salt. Didn't matter; the rust stains bloomed larger and darker than ever.

Several months ago, I read a blog post that talked about using Bar Keepers Friend to remove rust stains from bathtubs, sinks, etc. (Here's where I insert my heart-felt apology that I truly do not remember where I read it... if it was you, let me know so I can give you credit!) I was intrigued enough to leave a comment and then forgot to ever look for the stuff... that is, until a nesting frenzy sent me scrambling out to pick things up at the store the other day. For $1.98, I picked up this can at Walmart.

Guess what?

My tub is white. White white. Gleaming even. My husband and I have both been guilty of just staring at it in wonder...

Learning new tricks? Well, that's a finer thing indeed.
This post is linked to Finer Things Friday.


Lynn said...

I love bar keepers friend. Works great for all kinds of things.

Bloggin' Mama said...

I read about this product back in April on She posted about how she used it on her stainless cookware and in the comments there were other uses listed by people who've used it. Could this possbily be where you saw it?

Amy @ Finer Things said...

What a great find. Some of my favorite tricks are those I've learned from other blogs. Fantastic!

Goat Gal said...

Oh I hope it is available in Canada! I NEED some!