Monday, May 4, 2009

Where AM I?!?!?

I can't begin to tell you all how much I appreciate all the emails I've received wondering where I'm at... and I also must apologize for leaving you all hanging, especially with being 31 weeks pregnant with a history of preterm labor.

Rest assured, baby is still in utero where he or she belongs at this point and I'm doing great!

My husband and I ended up leaving Indiana on the spur of the moment for a trip out East (where I hail from!). We divided the drive over 2 1/2 days so that I could get plenty of movement and our recently potty-trained son could have plenty of pit stops. I'm in Connecticut now and doing great.

I probably won't be around much for the next few days as we tackle a whirlwind of visits and interviews, but rest-assured, this blog isn't going anywhere. I'll be back! I will also be working my way through the piles of email slowly but surely...

Until then, thanks so much for checking in and checking up on me... I miss writing and look forward to getting back to my regular routine!

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