Monday, August 18, 2008

Stop the inductions!

Ok, I'm not really on a mission to end all inductions, but I really do feel that it's gotten out of hand. I don't mean to offend any of you 41+ week pregnant ladies out there but, for the rest of you, please just remember-- babies DO eventually come out. I'm sick to death of these "37 week scheduled inductions". Who decides this is a good idea? Who can prove that all these babies are truly "full-term". Why are we taking chances?

For convenience? -- Quite honestly, I think "it fits my schedule" or "my doctor is going on vacation" are kind of weak reasons. Just my opinion.

For comfort? -- Sometimes, doctors tell us the baby seems "big!", "huge!", "ginormous!" Too many times lately, I've seen women induced at 37 weeks only to give birth to 7-pounders. Oh, yes. Huge. I know some will argue with me and I'm open to discussion... but I do not really believe that doctors (or ultrasound techs) can make very sound predictions on size. They told me my 8-pounder wouldn't be much more than 6...

Or, and this is what I really think is the issue, to avoid c-sections? -- C-sections are on the rise. No doubt about it. And that makes me really sad, not because c-sections are bad things, but because so many of them seem to be unnecessary. We live in a litigious society and doctors are scared, for one thing. Some women also have the misguided idea that a c-section is easier (having done it both ways, I would say without hesitation that my c-section recovery was 100 times more difficult...) I really think a lot of doctors are scheduling inductions while babies are smaller to avoid some of the c-sections. And, while I'd be happy to see the c-section rate go down, I'm not sure this is the solution...

Maybe it's just me.

Maybe it's because I carried one baby 41 weeks and the other barely 24. I can tell you which is easier...

But I say...

Let those babies cook!

That's my mantra.

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