Monday, July 19, 2010

Menu Plan: 7/18- College Fast Food Throw-Back!

This week is easy on my oven... because it's steamy in these here parts! But, since "Connecticut summers are so mild you don't need central air" (*ahem*... really?), we only have a couple window units. If ever I talk about moving... please tell me you all will remind me that, yes, I do need central air!


B-Cereal, Applesauce, Milk
L-Migas, Fruit
D-We got "free kids' meal" coupons from our local grocery story and took the kids to Friendly's... it is a very rare event around here to go out for supper. We had fun! And C. was utterly fascinated by the "pink" (strawberry) milk. (Blech!)


B-Oatmeal, Yogurt, Juice
L-P, B, & J (made with fresh homemade black raspberry jam), Applesauce, Pretzels, Water
D-Seafood Crepes


B-PB Toast, Applesauce, Milk
L-Corn Tortilla & Egg Roll-Up, Berries, Water
D-Ground Turkey, Red Onion & Bleu Cheese Burgers on Homemade Pitas


B-Oatmeal, Watermelon, Milk
L-Pitas w/ Melted Cheese (I used to order these from the fast-food place "Miami Subs" all the time back in my college days... they were cheap and yummy!), Raisins, Water
D-Breakfast Pizza (new to me!)


B-Cinnamon Toast, Yogurt, Juice
L-Noodles, Grapes, Milk
D-"Souped-Up" Tomato Soup, Italian Cheese Bread


B-Smoothies, Toast
L-Cheese Bread, Green Beans (from the garden), Milk


B-Scrambled Eggs w/ Bacon, Toast, Cantaloupe (from the store... but I should have cantaloupe starting fairly soon in the garden!)
D-Chicken & Rice Tostadas

I'll let you know some of my favorite ways to "soup up" my tomato soup tomorrow. What fun things are you making or trying this week?

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday.

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