Friday, April 8, 2011

How Your Character Should Be Measured

If the apples you served your children with breakfast were not organic...

If you polished your mirrors with Windex instead of vinegar...

If you still use a beloved cake frosting recipe that includes Crisco...

If you wash your hair with Pantene and not baking soda...

If you don't make your own cookies...

If you let your children eat cotton candy at the fair...

If you haven't scrubbed your floors in two weeks...

If the chicken you bought this morning came from the supermarket and not the farm...

If you ever feel like you're not measuring up to a godly standard...

... this is for you.

You ARE a good mom.

You ARE a good wife.

You DO love your family.

There's not a thing wrong with making changes or letting your opinions grow and change.

But do not believe the lie that this is how your character should be measured.


tina b said...

Thanks, JessieLeigh! I needed that today. But don't ask me how long it's been since I mopped my floors ---- 'cuz I can't remember!! LOL! :)

Miranda said...

Thank you :)! I see all these blog posts about going all natural and organic and sometimes I just feel defeated. But I know the choices I make are the right ones for our family and that's all that matters.

LA Botchar said...

Wonderful post - thank you for sharing that with all moms! I try to do "Green" living as much as possible..but it is way more expensive and we are one income family. As for the floor, that's a losing is dirty 15 minutes later. These are not the things my children will remember anyway. Thanks for the uplifting post.