Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lent '11: Letting Go of Judgment, Challenge 5

I am amazed at how much I'm growing as a result of this Lenten challenge. On the one hand, it's upsetting to realize how often I let judgmental thoughts take hold in my mind. On the other, it is freeing to acknowledge that fact and then work to just let go.

Even though I realize that I will likely always make snap judgments based on my own opinions and ideals, it is real progress for me to be more accepting, loving, and open-minded as a result of this journey.

Have you participated in any of these challenges? I know I'm not alone in wanting to overcome being judgmental... many of you have shared your own desires with me!

Time truly flies and we're up to our Week 5 Challenge? Here it is:

Seek out information on an opposing viewpoint. Research a little. Find out what others think that makes them reach a different conclusion.

Are you confident that forgoing vaccines is the way to go? See what you can find out about those who choose to vaccinate. Can you not imagine teaching your child at home? Talk to some homeschoolers! Have you ever talked to someone who chose to bottle feed? No? Go for it.

I look forward to learning even more with this challenge and I hope you do too!

Please come back to see me next Wednesday so we can talk about it and get a new challenge, okay?

Button design by the spectacular Sidnie

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