I have so many wonderful, delightful, entertaining "bloggy friends." I truly am blessed in that regard. Two of my oldest (as in "had them the longest" not, "they've been alive a long time") and dearest? Amy and Jessica.
They are lovely. And smart. And encouraging. And inspiring.
And not afraid to give me a needed kick in the pants.
Thanks in part to these two persistent ladies, you will be noticing big changes around here. I am hoping it will be as seamless as possible for you but, please, bear with me?
I'm moving to WordPress, friends. And my own domain. And some other fun surprises.
I'm hoping it will make life easier for all of YOU. I want to be able to better interact with you all in the comments. I want the site to be easy to navigate. I want a shorter URL for you all to type! ;) I will have a recipe page where you can easily access all the many things I've shared over the years.
You all stuck with me through a high-risk pregnancy and an IRL move... you'll stick with me while I do this too, right?
I, for one, can't wait!
A good kick in the pants? Well, that's a finer thing.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Keeping Littles Quiet in Church
I've been really lucky over the years...
I've raised some really good eaters.
I've received compliments on my kids' behavior...
I've even been told I should have more kids.
While we definitely have our issues and struggles, I really am pleased with my children's behavior.
One place this is also true? Church. I currently have a 6yo, 5yo, and a 1yo. In the past two years, I've had to "take someone out" only a handful of times. Once, my littlest fell, bumped her head, and started crying rather loudly. All the others? Those would all be "I need to go potty!" moments- something I try to avoid by having them go right before we leave but, well, it still happens.
It's not magic. I only have a handful of tricks I employ to make this happen and I'm happy to share them:
Prepare them ahead of time
This is my number one bit of advice: prepare your children for where you're going and what is expected. I keep it very simple- "We're going to God's house and we all want to be on our best behavior, right?" I also review expectations through silly questions like "Which can we play with in church... a book or a drum? When can you make noise- when we're singing or when the priest is talking?" The kids giggle sometimes when I do this, but it keeps the ideas fresh for them.
Pack your support gear
I don't believe in schlepping a tote bag full of entertainment for children to church each week. I also don't expect my children to stay silent and perfect through the entire mass without any kind of help. I favor Bible puzzle books or coloring books and children's Bibles. Books, stuffed animals, stickers, and dolls are all good choices. Not such great choices? Toys with flashing lights, "noisy toys", weapon-like toys, and, in most cases, toys with wheels-- they get away from children too easily. And, for the record? I've seen all those latter mentioned toys in church... it doesn't usually end well.
Reserve your reinforcements
I do NOT hand out puzzle books upon taking a seat. No sir, no ma'am. I fully expect my children to sing hymns with us and sit quietly through readings. What I don't expect at these ages? That they'll sit silently through the whole sermon. Sermons can be lengthy- and lofty- and that's hard for littles. This is when I pull out the books for them.
Take a stance on snacks
My preschoolers and beyond do not need snacks in church. Newborns need to be nursed or given a bottle if they're hungry, in my opinion. It's those toddlers who can go either way. We attend 8:30am mass and my littlest often sleeps until about 8:00 am. Since we live twenty minutes away from the church, this means she doesn't have time for breakfast. I could either wake her up earlier or pack something. I choose to throw Cheerios and raisins in a cup to go. She sits quietly on a kneeler and eats during the service. When we attended Christmas Eve mass at 4:00 pm? No snack. It just depends how it works out. Unless your church has a rule, there are no laws about this... but I think it's best to figure out what works and be consistent.
If your child can text, he can also sit still
Electronic gadgets? Have no place in church. Be a good example and keep yours off and tucked away too.
Don't be afraid to leave... or stay
Happily babbling toddlers or sporadically fussy newborns do not bother most people and you shouldn't feel like you have to be running out the door every time your child makes a peep. I trulytry not to don't worry too much about the opinions of people who are judging me for having- gasp!- children there with me. You simply can't guarantee perfect silence at all moments from little ones. That being said, you should also be prepared to take your child/children out if they become truly disruptive. Yelling children. Ongoing crying. Throwing, kicking, tantrum-throwing. These all necessitate a quick exit.
Remember why you're there
You are, presumably, in church to worship. You are not there to win awards for "best-behaved child". You are also not accomplishing much if you wind up frustrated, angry, and short-tempered. And so, lastly, always remember Matthew 19:14:
I've raised some really good eaters.
I've received compliments on my kids' behavior...
I've even been told I should have more kids.
While we definitely have our issues and struggles, I really am pleased with my children's behavior.
One place this is also true? Church. I currently have a 6yo, 5yo, and a 1yo. In the past two years, I've had to "take someone out" only a handful of times. Once, my littlest fell, bumped her head, and started crying rather loudly. All the others? Those would all be "I need to go potty!" moments- something I try to avoid by having them go right before we leave but, well, it still happens.
It's not magic. I only have a handful of tricks I employ to make this happen and I'm happy to share them:
Prepare them ahead of time
This is my number one bit of advice: prepare your children for where you're going and what is expected. I keep it very simple- "We're going to God's house and we all want to be on our best behavior, right?" I also review expectations through silly questions like "Which can we play with in church... a book or a drum? When can you make noise- when we're singing or when the priest is talking?" The kids giggle sometimes when I do this, but it keeps the ideas fresh for them.
Pack your support gear
I don't believe in schlepping a tote bag full of entertainment for children to church each week. I also don't expect my children to stay silent and perfect through the entire mass without any kind of help. I favor Bible puzzle books or coloring books and children's Bibles. Books, stuffed animals, stickers, and dolls are all good choices. Not such great choices? Toys with flashing lights, "noisy toys", weapon-like toys, and, in most cases, toys with wheels-- they get away from children too easily. And, for the record? I've seen all those latter mentioned toys in church... it doesn't usually end well.
Reserve your reinforcements
I do NOT hand out puzzle books upon taking a seat. No sir, no ma'am. I fully expect my children to sing hymns with us and sit quietly through readings. What I don't expect at these ages? That they'll sit silently through the whole sermon. Sermons can be lengthy- and lofty- and that's hard for littles. This is when I pull out the books for them.
Take a stance on snacks
My preschoolers and beyond do not need snacks in church. Newborns need to be nursed or given a bottle if they're hungry, in my opinion. It's those toddlers who can go either way. We attend 8:30am mass and my littlest often sleeps until about 8:00 am. Since we live twenty minutes away from the church, this means she doesn't have time for breakfast. I could either wake her up earlier or pack something. I choose to throw Cheerios and raisins in a cup to go. She sits quietly on a kneeler and eats during the service. When we attended Christmas Eve mass at 4:00 pm? No snack. It just depends how it works out. Unless your church has a rule, there are no laws about this... but I think it's best to figure out what works and be consistent.
If your child can text, he can also sit still
Electronic gadgets? Have no place in church. Be a good example and keep yours off and tucked away too.
Don't be afraid to leave... or stay
Happily babbling toddlers or sporadically fussy newborns do not bother most people and you shouldn't feel like you have to be running out the door every time your child makes a peep. I truly
Remember why you're there
You are, presumably, in church to worship. You are not there to win awards for "best-behaved child". You are also not accomplishing much if you wind up frustrated, angry, and short-tempered. And so, lastly, always remember Matthew 19:14:
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."linked to WFMW
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Orange Coffee Cake
It's definitely Spring! And, for me, Spring calls for tons of fun, bright citrus recipes. Lemon bars, Key Lime Shortbread Muffins, and more... 'tis the season! This Orange Coffee Cake is light, moist, and perfect for a tender May morning...
1 cup flour
2/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, divided
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
juice of one orange + necessary milk to equal 1/2 cup liquid, total
zest of one orange, divided
Combine flour, 2/3 cup sugar, baking powder, and salt. Mix in butter, egg, vanilla, and orange juice/milk. Add half of the orange zest. Pour into greased 9" round pan. Combine remaining half of orange zest with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Sprinkle over top of batter. Bake at 350 for approx. 20 minutes.
That orange zest/sugar topping? So delish. Don't leave it off. Something magical happens when you combine zest and sugar!
Linked to:
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Monday, May 9, 2011
Menu Plan: 5/8 - Attempting Ravioli
I ordinarily do a ton of meal prep on Sundays to make my weeks easier. Happily, I was smart enough to think about this last Friday and I did a bunch of work then to free up my Mother's Day! It was nice to have minimal tasks to see to yesterday!
Here's what's hittin' the table 'round here:
B-Cereal, Yogurt, Water
L-Mother's Day Brunch at my sister's house: Migas, Sausage Links, Corn Bread, Fruit, Lemon Bars, Sherbet
D-I whipped up homemade pizza for the littles and shared Chinese with my hubby after they were in bed... Happy Mother's Day!
D-I whipped up homemade pizza for the littles and shared Chinese with my hubby after they were in bed... Happy Mother's Day!
B-Strawberry Vanilla Oatmeal, Milk
L-P, B, & J, Prunes, String Cheese, Water
D-Chicken & Rice Enchiladas
B-Orange Coffee Cake, Cheese, Juice (This coffee cake is an experiment... I'm anticipating yumminess!)
L-Cheese Quesadillas, Grapes, Water
D-Homemade Beef Ravioli, Broccoli (I've never attempted homemade ravioli before, but I'm game to try... I don't have high expectations, though!)
B-Orange Coffee Cake, Cheese, Juice (This coffee cake is an experiment... I'm anticipating yumminess!)
L-Cheese Quesadillas, Grapes, Water
D-Homemade Beef Ravioli, Broccoli (I've never attempted homemade ravioli before, but I'm game to try... I don't have high expectations, though!)
B-Orange Coffee Cake, Grapes, Milk
L-Buttered Noodles, Apples, Water
D-Chicken Burgers, Green Beans
D-Chicken Burgers, Green Beans
B-Jelly Toast, Vanilla Yogurt, Juice (This is a simple meal and is what my little guy requested... he has some testing to be done at the hospital that day and I am happy to oblige him!)
L-Scrambled Eggs w/ Cheese, Apples w/ PB, Water
D-Pizza Paninis (w/ Pepperoni & Mushrooms), Raisins
B-Smoothies, Toast
L-Cheesy Black Beans & Rice, Water
L-Chicken & Rice Soup, Grilled Cheese
D-Lasagna Casserole
And that's that! The shopping is done and, after that 2 month hiatus in there, it feels like we have food coming out our ears. Menu planning hasn't even been a challenge. ;)
D-Lasagna Casserole
And that's that! The shopping is done and, after that 2 month hiatus in there, it feels like we have food coming out our ears. Menu planning hasn't even been a challenge. ;)
What's your favorite thing you're serving up this week? I'd love to hear about it and, perhaps, be inspired by it!
This post is linked to Menu Plan Menu.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
My Stats, according to C.
Some things you may not already know about me:
(I am) 10 years old.
(I am) 3 feet tall.
(My) job is put food in the oven.
(I am) happy when good people.
(My) favorite food is peanut butter & jelly.
(I) like to cook.
(My) favorite TV show is _______.
The color (I) like best is purple.
C. loves me because I cook.
Surprised? Am I taller than you expected? ;) Perhaps a touch younger than you may have guessed?
Made me giggle that both C and my son listed all sorts of "cooking" things about me... yet cleaning was never mentioned. *blush*
For the record, my favorite color is green, my favorite food is ravioli, and I am 5'7". Oh, and I DO watch TV sometimes. But, obviously, never in front of my kids. I gotta admit I was a little proud of that blank.
How about you? What are your stats? Or, more importantly, what would your KIDS say are your stats?
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Religion of Food
You know those people who twist the Bible to suit their own agendas? The ones who pick and choose phrases from here and there and use them, frequently out of context, to "prove their points?" Of course you do. We've all seen and heard those people.
And perhaps you've known a soul or two who becomes so incredibly fixated on one rule or element of his faith that he doesn't see the big picture. He focuses only on that one issue and, while it may be a noble or valid rule, it was never intended to be worshiped to the exclusion of other rules and elements.
I fear this is how some of us are looking at science now, particularly with regards to food.
Here's the thing:
Odds are very, very good I can find a study somewhere out there that defends almost anything I'm eager to prove.
There are examples of individuals who are healthy weights, have great blood pressure, good sugar levels, and all the rest who indulge in all manner of diets. Are some better than others? No doubt. Are there excellent arguments for (and against) certain lifestyles? Of course.
But no scientific study is gospel. Generalizations don't always paint the whole picture. And it's too easy to pick and choose which parts back up your own opinion. There's so much more at play here...
Saying "skim milk will make you fat" sounds as foolish to me as saying "whole milk will make you fat." There are far too many other variables in most diets to be able to point blame like that. And, again, you could easily find many, many sound arguments for either side of that particular debate. One needn't be "stupid" or "ignorant" to hold either of those views.
Also, on the topic of milk, I think we need to be very careful that we're not placing all our "amazing benefits of nutrition" expectations on the shoulders of milk. Do I believe raw milk can be a part of a very healthy diet? Indeed I do. I think I made that pretty clear before. Do I believe that drinking raw milk will somehow cure all ailments my family might have? No. I do not. What milk we drink is just one element of a much larger picture... I get nervous when I see people who come perilously close to worshiping the stuff. I have no issue with the consumption of raw milk or with singing its praises or sharing success stories. But, truly, when it becomes an issue of placing raw milk above all else and insuinuating those who do not share the viewpoint are ignorant and uninformed... well, then I think it's gone too far.
Just as I'm unlikely to be persuaded to pursue someone's faith if they seem overbearing and insulting, I'm unlikely to be talked into someone's food philosophy when they seem fixated and closed-minded.
I think there's a lot to be said for endeavoring to consume a diet as close as possible to the way it is found in nature. I do, really and truly, believe that we all need to be mindful of what we feed ourselves and our families. We shouldn't try to rationalize what are clearly poor choices, nor should we be unwilling to consider other viewpoints.
But I'm really very bothered by some of what I'm seeing and hearing out there. And I wondered if I was the only one...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
My Favorite Pan
Okay, here's the thing... as much as I can appreciate a well-seasoned cast iron skillet, I'm just going to come right out and admit to you all that I am a big fan of a non-stick pan. It's the simple truth. I love to cook and I hate to clean so it should come as no surprise that I can appreciate a pan that comes clean in a flash.
I am leery of the materials used to coat most non-stick pans. Used while in excellent shape and at low temperatures, I probably do not need to be freaking out. But I don't always cook at low temps. And, let's be frank here, that coating eventually starts chipping away. Is this really something I'm eager to be feeding my children?
Here's my solution:
The Green Earth Frying Pan

I adore this pan. I can cook with as much or as little fat as I want and food slides right off. Soaking? What's soaking? It cleans in a snap.
Here are some of the features, according to Amazon:

Have you ever cooked with a ceramic pan? What are your thoughts about non-stick cookware?
linked to TILT
(Heads up: Affiliate link used in this post. Thank you!)
I am leery of the materials used to coat most non-stick pans. Used while in excellent shape and at low temperatures, I probably do not need to be freaking out. But I don't always cook at low temps. And, let's be frank here, that coating eventually starts chipping away. Is this really something I'm eager to be feeding my children?
Here's my solution:
The Green Earth Frying Pan
I adore this pan. I can cook with as much or as little fat as I want and food slides right off. Soaking? What's soaking? It cleans in a snap.
Here are some of the features, according to Amazon:
- Utilizes an ultra-safe ceramic coating derived from nature which is 100% PTFE and PFOA free.
- Delivers unprecedented non-stick performance without releasing harmful fumes or toxins at high temperatures.
- Features a scratch-resistant 100 ceramic coating as found in nature (no heavy metals or chemicals) that is super easy to clean.
- Made out of durable heavy-gauge pure aluminum with no heavy metals or harmful chemicals.
- Boasts a comfortable heat resistant Bakelight handle, and a magnetized induction stove safe base for rapid head transfer.
Have you ever cooked with a ceramic pan? What are your thoughts about non-stick cookware?
linked to TILT
(Heads up: Affiliate link used in this post. Thank you!)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Feed Reader?
Okay, now don't fall over or anything, but I have to tell you something...
I've never used a feed reader.
I've also never subscribed to a blog.
Shocking, isn't it? I've been blogging for close to three years and reading (and commenting on!) blogs for even longer and, well, I've yet to explore using a reader.
So today? I'm asking for your help!
- How do I get started?
- Are there reader options? (I don't even know!)
- Is this going to simplify my life or create another time suck?
- How many blogs do you recommend having on a feed reader?
Help a girl out! Please?
Linking up to the backwards edition of WFMW
image credit
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Ten Quirky Things About Me and Soggy Food
You know, I've gone through my whole life with all these little quirks and they never seemed like much of a big deal until I listed them all out here. So, thanks Amanda, for making me realize I may be a little neurotic about my food...
Just for fun, dear readers, here are ten examples of just how much I despise soggy food:
- I can't handle mayo or dressing or anything WET on my sandwiches. I also don't put ketchup ON the bun of a burger; I dip.
- I don't even eat syrup on my pancakes, waffles, or French toast.
- I use two tablespoons or less milk on my cereal. Seriously, every bite needs to retain crunch.
- I don't like sour cream to touch a taco shell... it makes it soft.
- You won't find me dunking cookies in milk.
- When people talk about pouring milk or cream over baked oatmeal, it makes me wonder why they're ruining a good thing.
- I hate the part of the pie crust that's under the fruit.
- If I have an ice cream cone, it has to be a sugar cone because those wafer things get mushy!
- I dislike soggy bread so much, I tuck my pickle slices between the meat and cheese so the juice won't hit the bread.
- I don't "sop things up." This would go against my nature, clearly.
C'mon, now... make me feel better. What food quirks do you have? Tell me all about it!
Image Source
Linked to Top Ten {Tuesday}
Monday, May 2, 2011
Rice Flour Pancakes
We all eat gluten in this house. Always have. Most likely, barring health issues that may arise, always will.
Still, I've long lived with the mind-set that, if we don't have it, we do without. I am simply not one to rush off to the market to pick up this and that whenever a "need" arises.
So, when my son was begging for pancakes and I was looking at mere dust in my flour canister, I got busy making do.
Armed with a bag of rice and a coffee-bean grinder, I set about making rice flour and then concocted these...
Rice Flour Pancakes
Combine first three ingredients in medium bowl. Add rice flour and mix until no lumps remain. Cover bowl and let stand for at least one hour (or up to overnight.) Cook on griddle over med-high heat (just like "typical" pancakes.)
The verdict? My syrup eaters (husband and older two children) thought they were tasty and fine. One of them missed the vanilla I usually add to my pancakes, so that's something I would work to remedy in the future. My youngest child and I noticed a significant difference... the texture is different and, without syrup to mask that, it's very noticeable. Still, we ate them without complaint.
How about you? Have you cooked or baked with rice flour? How did it turn out?
linked to:
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Still, I've long lived with the mind-set that, if we don't have it, we do without. I am simply not one to rush off to the market to pick up this and that whenever a "need" arises.
So, when my son was begging for pancakes and I was looking at mere dust in my flour canister, I got busy making do.
Armed with a bag of rice and a coffee-bean grinder, I set about making rice flour and then concocted these...
Rice Flour Pancakes
- 1/2 cup milk
- 3 eggs
- 1 tablespoon melted butter
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup rice flour
Combine first three ingredients in medium bowl. Add rice flour and mix until no lumps remain. Cover bowl and let stand for at least one hour (or up to overnight.) Cook on griddle over med-high heat (just like "typical" pancakes.)
The verdict? My syrup eaters (husband and older two children) thought they were tasty and fine. One of them missed the vanilla I usually add to my pancakes, so that's something I would work to remedy in the future. My youngest child and I noticed a significant difference... the texture is different and, without syrup to mask that, it's very noticeable. Still, we ate them without complaint.
How about you? Have you cooked or baked with rice flour? How did it turn out?
linked to:
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Menu Plan: 5/1 - Hallelujah... I shopped!
B-Cereal, Applesauce, Milk
L-Bacon, Egg, & Cheese English Muffin Sandwiches, Peaches, Water
D-Fish Tacos, Chips & Salsa
D-Fish Tacos, Chips & Salsa
B-Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Milk
L-P, B, & J, Prunes, Crackers, Water
D-Broccoli Alfredo Macaroni, Salad
B-Key Lime Shortbread Muffins, Oranges, Milk
L-French Toast w/ Jelly, Yogurt, Water
D-Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Corn
D-Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Corn
B-PB Raisin Smiley Toast, Milk
L-Noodles w/ Tomatoes & Cheese, Water
D-Italian Cheese Bread Grilled Cheese, Apple Slices (<-- I realize this is incredibly indulgent in the cheese department. It is also melty, gooey, yummy, and a sure fire kid pleaser! Oh, and portable. Important, since I have to pack it up for baseball practice!)
B-Smoothies, Toast
L-Cheesy Black Beans & Rice, Water
L-Noodles, Oranges
D-Cheeseburgers, Pickles, Corn
... hoping to grill those burgers if we have some pretty weather! So, so jealous of those of you who already have fresh lettuce to top your burgers and sandwiches. It will be awhile yet here in New England!
What are you serving up this first week of May?
D-Cheeseburgers, Pickles, Corn
... hoping to grill those burgers if we have some pretty weather! So, so jealous of those of you who already have fresh lettuce to top your burgers and sandwiches. It will be awhile yet here in New England!
What are you serving up this first week of May?
This post is linked to Menu Plan Menu.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Ebates for Travel
Have you signed up for Ebates yet? I hope so! I waited a long time before singing its praises a couple months ago because I promise you: I will never recommend something to you unless I've fully tried it out already.
I love using Ebates for my online shopping. Since I tend to look for the rock-bottom deals, I'm not generally earning very much at a time but, hey, every little bit adds up!
Recently, I set out to plan a tenth anniversary trip to be taken this fall. My husband and I talked a lot and did a whole bunch of research and, finally, decided to take the family on a cruise. (Yay! Can't wait!)
And here's my tip for you today:
If you're planning a trip of any kind, be sure to check Ebates!
Here are just a few of the travel sites currently offering a percentage back when you go through Ebates:
- Expedia 1-4%
- Budget Rent-a-Car 3%
- Comfort Inn 3.5%
- Holiday Inn 4.5%
- Orbitz 1-3%
- Southwest 3%
- Travelocity 1-3%
That'll pay for some fun souvenirs. Or a bottle or two of wine. Or a couple hours of babysitting services. ;) Not a bad return for a single click!
Don't forget Ebates when you're booking your travel!
linked to Frugal Friday
(Heads Up: Affiliate links used in this post! Thank you!)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Best Part of the Night
We went out to dinner Tuesday night.
This was a huge blessing to me, given the fact that my kitchen sink is not currently in place and my new dishwasher is not yet hooked up.
The five of us were seated right away at a six-top, rather than crammed at a four-top... but that was not the best part of the night.
Our waiter was fabulous. From offering to water down my youngest's cranberry juice to setting the kids' fries aside to cool a bit, he was perfect... but that was not the best part of the night.
Our food arrived promptly and was delicious... but that was not the best part of the night.
The entire bill for an appetizer, three kids' meals, two adult entrees, and five drinks (soda and juice, adult and child, respectively) was $26... but that was not the best part of the night.
Because the bill was so low due to fabulous promotions at Chili's, we were able to leave a rather monstrous tip to that awesome waiter... but that was not the best part of the night.
As I gathered my little ones and prepared to leave the restaurant, an elderly lady one table over touched my arm. I turned and faced her and her husband:
Your children are so well-behaved. Truly wonderful little ones. You should be proud.
I was.
And THAT was the best part of the night.
Lent '11 Final Thoughts: Saving My Energy For the Battles That Matter

Lent has come to a close. On Sunday, we celebrated the Resurrection of our Savior... what an amazing culmination to the season! The hymn "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" declares Easter "our triumphant holy day" and I could not think of a better description.
It was a long, thoughtful seven weeks around here with lots of challenges and things to think about. In case you missed any of the challenges, you can find them here:
- Challenge 1: Ask about an opposing viewpoint.
- Challenge 2: Free write for five minutes defending a differing view.
- Challenge 3: Ask yourself if it's an issue of faith or morality.
- Challenge 4: Talk to someone about a past choice you made that you now doubt.
- Challenge 5: Seek out information about an opposing viewpoint.
- Challenge 6: Try the other side.
- Challenge 7: Give yourself some grace.
My final thoughts after having lived these challenges for the past couple of months?
It was SO good for me.
I don't want anyone to think that letting go of judgment means letting go of your opinions. It most certainly does not. But it DOES mean that I spend a whole lot less time worrying about choices other people are making. The dear mommy friend who let her child guzzle three cups of soda at a birthday party? Not my preference, but also not my decision. And that's okay. I reckon he'll probably turn out just fine. The raw milk I bought and tried? It was fine. But I don't think it's going to become a "regular thing" around here anytime soon. And I think we'll be okay. That lady who pays full price for all her groceries and turned her nose up at couponers like me? Not my issue. It's her money to spend.
I'm learning to just breathe. To smile. To look at the glass as half full and assume others are making the best choices they can for whatever season they're in.
This also leaves me with enough energy to fight the battles actually worth fighting... those issues of faith or morality I mentioned earlier. I will STILL defend the unborn and will gladly speak up on their behalf every chance I get.
Letting go of judgment involves picking your battles...
I'm choosing not to nitpick every dietary and lifestyle choice so I can use that time and energy to stand up for the life and death causes.
And that works for me.
Button design by the spectacular Sidnie
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How to Eat From the Pantry For An Extended Period
Any of you who follow my menu plans know it already:
I haven't done a "real" shopping trip in eight weeks.
I'm also not a champion stock-piler. Yes, I try to grab extras when there are deals to be had but, like many, my cabinet and pantry space is limited, and I don't like to go overboard. (Note: If you like to keep tons of reserves on hand, I think that's awesome. Likewise, if you prefer to just shop week to week, I'm not going to judge you. I'm just letting you know how things happen in this house.)
So, it's been eight weeks. I've spent well under $100 during that time (including my pastured eggs and trial of raw milk.)
Here are some tips for going an extended period without grocery shopping:
- Take a full, detailed inventory of your pantry, fridge, and freezer. I find it helpful to note down actual amounts, e.g. six potatoes, 4 oz cheddar, five pounds of flour, etc.
- Plan suppers first. It's a good place to start. For many families, this might be the only meal you all eat together and it also often requires the largest amount of food.
- Do not limit yourself to "dinner food" when planning suppers. Soups, sandwiches, or breakfast fare can easily fill in a night or two.
- Be specific: when I'm trying to stretch what food I have, I make sure to note how much of something I'll be using. It's important to note how many ounces of cheese I'll allot or how many eggs so, come the end of the week, I'm not left empty handed.
- Get creative. This is not the time to follow recipes to the letter. In fact, I'd recommend abandoning recipes for awhile in favor of just putting together foods that sound tasty!
- Also, be flexible. If you ARE following a recipe, be open to substitutions. Casseroles, stir fries, and the like are very forgiving if you need to switch up a meat or veggie. Pizza with Jack instead of mozzarella still tastes delicious. And, truly, we can get by with a mere four ounces of cheese on a 16" pizza if I shred it finely.
- Say "yes, please!" Don't turn down food! If a neighbor offers you excess or a family member offers you leftovers, accept gratefully. Do not worry if you have a "plan" in mind for them. Consider it a happy blessing and have confidence that you can fit it in.
- Make it yourself. Knowing how to bake and cook from scratch is extremely helpful when low on food. If you can bake a loaf of bread or whip up some tortillas, that's handy. It's also good to know how to "recreate" items... like using molasses and sugar for brown sugar or processing sugar and corn starch for powdered sugar.
- Reconsider "must haves." We tend to serve milk to drink every morning with breakfast. But MUST we? Probably not if we have other adequate sources of dairy. I like to keep a wide array of fruit on hand. But is it really a tragedy to rely on apples, frozen berries, and raisins for a week? Not really. It's only temporary. On the other hand, when we ran out of coffee, I made a trip to the store. My husband will tell you- you don't want to make me go without coffee for long. It's not even a caffeine addiction: I drink decaf. But I drink an entire pot by myself. I am PASSIONATE about my coffee. ;)
- Don't sacrifice nutrition. Finally, don't get so hung up on "making it work" that you completely throw good health out the window. I think working with what you have can be a good exercise in discipline, creativity, and resourcefulness, but you're not "failing" anything by picking up necessary items at the store. I have most certainly purchased a few items here and there over the past few weeks. No shame in that.
Linked to Top Ten {Tuesday}
Kitchen Tip Tuesday
Monday, April 25, 2011
Menu Plan: 4/24 - Eating From the Pantry Continues
Well, may as well just say it straight:
I still haven't made it to Aldi, which means it's been almost 8 weeks since I did a significant grocery shopping trip.
I did spend about $20 on Saturday on some produce, dairy, meat, and pasta to get us through another week. I'll be cooking up a whole chicken (from my freezer) today and that will go a long way in providing yummy meat for us.
B-Cereal, Applesauce, Milk
L-French Toast, Apple Slices, Hard-Boiled Eggs, Water
D-Easter Feast at Bama & Papa's
D-Easter Feast at Bama & Papa's
B-Jelly Rolls, Hard-Boiled Eggs, Milk
L-Homemade Chicken and Rice Soup, Water
D-Italian Chicken Sandwiches, Salad
B-Blueberry Coffee Cake, Applesauce, Milk
L-P, B, & J, Crackers, Raisins, Water
D-Spaghetti w/ Herbed Tomato Creme Sauce, Broccoli
B-Blueberry Coffee Cake, Applesauce, Milk
L-P, B, & J, Crackers, Raisins, Water
D-Spaghetti w/ Herbed Tomato Creme Sauce, Broccoli
B-Blueberry Coffee Cake, Berries, Milk
L-Hard-Boiled Eggs, Saltines w/ homemade jam, Water
D-Souped-Up Tomato Soup, Cheese Bread, Salad
D-Souped-Up Tomato Soup, Cheese Bread, Salad
B-PB Toast, Apples & Cinnamon, Milk
L-Tuna Salad, Corn, Water
D-Black Bean Burgers, Orange Slices, Water (the kids eat at/after baseball practice on Thursdays, so portable food is important! :))
B-Smoothies, Fruit
L-Cheesy Black Beans & Rice, Water
L-Ditalini w/ Philly cooking creme & ham, whatever fruit or veggie I can scrounge up. ;)
D-to be determined...
... I am hoping to have grocery shopped (finally!) before making that last supper there. Cross your fingers, please???
D-to be determined...
... I am hoping to have grocery shopped (finally!) before making that last supper there. Cross your fingers, please???
This post is linked to Menu Plan Menu.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
What Happens When My Son Blogs
Ninety-five percent of what you see posted here gets done in that window when my older two are at school and my youngest is napping. I am simply NOT a night owl and I try very hard to reserve what little energy I have left in the evenings for my husband. This routine works very well for me.
Except it's Spring Break.
So I've been trying to write what needs to be written either before my children rise or while they eat breakfast.
I failed to complete the task a few days ago.
My six year old son asked me to do something (and, shamefully, I can't even tell you what it was) and I replied,
"In just a sec, hon. Let Mama finish up this article she's writing real fast, okay?"
And that was that.
Today, he brought me his toy laptop and asked if I'd like to use it to write an article. I smiled and suggested that he should write one.
He did.

Can you see it? Can you read it? I hope so. It was the most important "article" I've read all week:
God loves you.
And so, as I step away for the next few days to share this blessed season with my family, I leave you with that.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
Happy Easter.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Lent '11: Letting Go of Judgment, Final Challenge (#7)

My friends, Lent is coming to a close. This journey toward letting go of judgment has been simply lovely for me. Whether you've followed along the whole time or just popped in once or twice, I am happy to have had you along for the ride.
I cannot imagine that I would feel happier or stronger for having given up, say, chocolate. Working on being less judgmental is a heart change and attitude shift that benefits everyone.
And now, without further ado, here's our Week 7, and Final, Challenge:
Give yourself some grace. Make the best choices you can for your family and own them. An important part of this journey has been learning and opening your mind. In the end, though, you still get to decide what's best for you and you should be able to do so without beating yourself up... even if what you choose is not "perfect."
I am not being melodramatic when I say that these past couple of months have been life-changing for me. I have adored exploring viewpoints, opening my mind and heart, and working on freeing myself of the need to judge. I truly hope you've had a beautiful, meaningful Lenten experience as well.
Button design by the spectacular Sidnie
My husband can calculate complicated loan interest in his head...
He can remember directions around a city he drove in fifteen years ago...
He can braid our daughters' hair and create complicated 'do's that make the preschool mommies swoon (yes, seriously)...
He can wire lighting and fix things left and right...
He can solve puzzles and master card games...
Why, then, if I married such a clever man...
Why, for the love, would I encounter THIS???

Where did I find this man? ;)
He can remember directions around a city he drove in fifteen years ago...
He can braid our daughters' hair and create complicated 'do's that make the preschool mommies swoon (yes, seriously)...
He can wire lighting and fix things left and right...
He can solve puzzles and master card games...
Why, then, if I married such a clever man...
Why, for the love, would I encounter THIS???
Where did I find this man? ;)
Lent '11: Letting Go of Judgment, Challenge 6 RESULTS

Time for another week's results! To refresh your memory:
Week 6's Challenge was this:
Try the other side, even if it's just once, and see how it goes. Obviously I would never suggest you do anything that goes against your faith or morality. But try something, from small to big, that's "different" for you. Be it drinking a soda, letting your kid try a Pop-Tart, or visiting a different denomination church, do something you wouldn't ordinarily do. Is it what you thought it would be?
Well, if you followed along with me last week, what I chose to do should come as no surprise: I bought, and drank, raw milk. Yes, yes I did.

Want to hear about it?
Accessibility: Raw milk is ridiculously easy to procure in Connecticut. Not only is it readily available at many farms, it is sold legally in several health food stores. Our laws are lenient and very consumer friendly. I opted to buy the milk at a farm in a neighboring town. It was an easy, pretty drive.
The Buying Experience: I drove right by the cows themselves and parked in a dusty little "lot." An old beagle ambled over to greet us and the kids and I headed through the door marked "Raw Milk Sold Here." Inside, we found a large, glass fronted refrigerator and a grey metal box for money. Self-serve, baby. And easy peasy.
Trying It: The kids were super eager to drink this milk. They were beyond excited. While some of this had to do with the cool experience of visiting the farm, a good portion was also simply because I really, really talked it up. Maybe it's just my kids, but I can get them excited about getting a shot at the doctor's if I talk it up enough...
Their Reaction: "This cow milk is the best ever! It's so super delicious!" (This was a great reaction and they really DID like it. I am being completely truthful though when I tell you that, when pressed, they said they liked it "the same as" their other milk. Just keepin' it real.)
My Reaction: It tasted like... milk. Honestly, I didn't notice anything unique or strange about it. The only thing I was surprised about was the fact that, in my opinion, our raw milk didn't actually taste as "thick" as typical whole milk... it had a consistency more like 2% and, as a result, it was easier for me to choke it down.
Would I Buy It Again?: Sure. Maybe. We only had a half gallon of the stuff and that's not very much, so I was not expecting any miracles. And we didn't see any. We all reacted to the raw milk the same as our usual milk. It didn't taste different. At four dollars for a half gallon, I'm not sure I would call it "worth it" for US. For OUR FAMILY. Trust me, I've read dozens of the posts that say, "I would give up anything else in my budget before I'd give up my raw milk!!!" And that's great. I also understand that switching to raw milk has proved beneficial to many individuals with dairy issues or certain health problems. We are primarily healthy but, I'm sorry to report, my littlest (though she happily drank it) still showed signs of sensitivity with the raw milk. It is what it is. If I were to buy it again, it would be because we enjoyed seeing the cows who provided the milk. I liked supporting a local dairy farmer. I would buy it for the experience, not because I believe it would be life-changing for us.
For now, I'll keep buying my pasteured eggs down the road and my hormone-free milk at the store and call it good.
How about you? Did you participate this week? I'd love to read about your experience! Link up below or tell me about it in the comments:
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Easter Ham Glaze That Beats The Packet

(Originally published 3/31/09)
I published my Easter Ham Glaze recipe over two years ago and, right around this time of year, it always gets a whole lot of search engine activity. It's a tasty one- really. I promise. If you don't already have a glaze recipe you love, I hope you'll consider giving it a try!
(I know many of you don't keep rum around regularly... try to look at it the way you would vanilla extract here. Yes, it's an alcohol base, but the alcohol is getting cooked out, leaving behind super delicious flavor. I encourage you to try it.)
Easter Ham Glaze
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup orange flavored rum (like Bacardi O)-- you could use all orange juice instead, but the flavor won't be the same. If you know you won't use it for anything else, you can also look for one of those "shot size" little bottles in the front of the liquor store and just use that.
Mix all ingredients in a saucepan over low heat. Use to glaze ham during the final 30 minutes of baking.
linked to:
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
URS: Easter
Monday, April 18, 2011
Menu Plan: 4/17 - I Haven't Grocery Shopped in 6+ Weeks
I tell you all, somewhat sheepishly, that it has been over six weeks since I have been "grocery shopping." Sure, I've picked up a deal or two along the way, but, really, hardly anything. We keep truckin' along though and, in typical masochistic fashion, I am determined to eke out yet another week of meals.
I picked up milk, eggs, butter (I scored butter for $1.28/#... woo hoo!!!), flour, and frozen corn in the last few days. Here's what'll be happening around here:
B-Cereal, Yogurt, Water
L-Breakfast Burritos, Milk
D-Sunday Supper at Bama & Papa's
D-Sunday Supper at Bama & Papa's
B-Maple Raisin Oatmeal, Milk
L-Sweet & Sour Fried Rice w/ Egg & Carrot, Water
D-Steak & Peppers, Hash Browns
B-Yogurt Coffee Cake, Berries, Milk
L-Chicken Pasta Salad w/ Granny Smith Apples, Water
D-Chicken & Jack Stuffed Shells, Green Beans
B-Yogurt Coffee Cake, Berries, Milk
L-Chicken Pasta Salad w/ Granny Smith Apples, Water
D-Chicken & Jack Stuffed Shells, Green Beans
B-Yogurt Coffee Cake, Berries, Milk
L-Potato, Ham, & Swiss Hash, Carrot Sticks
D-Black Bean Burgers, Baked Beans
D-Black Bean Burgers, Baked Beans
B-PB Toast, Apples, Milk
L-Pancakes, String Cheese, Mandarin Oranges, Water
D-Cubed Steak & Cheese Paninis, Apple Slices
B-Smoothies, Toast
L-Cheesy Black Beans & Rice, Water
D-Mushroom Pizza*
L-Hot & Sour Peanut Noodles
D-Chicken, Carrots, & Taters
*All pizzas on our menu plans from now until Easter will be MEATLESS in keeping with our Catholic tradition.
Now... I would be remiss in not telling you all that we've eaten more takeout in the last few weeks than is typical around here. Between working on our kitchen and not grocery shopping, it's a choice we've made to help my sanity. We've averaged 1 to 2 takeout meals per week (typically Subway or Chinese); we usually average 1 to 2 per month. It is what it is and we're still WAY under food budget. :)
D-Chicken, Carrots, & Taters
*All pizzas on our menu plans from now until Easter will be MEATLESS in keeping with our Catholic tradition.
Now... I would be remiss in not telling you all that we've eaten more takeout in the last few weeks than is typical around here. Between working on our kitchen and not grocery shopping, it's a choice we've made to help my sanity. We've averaged 1 to 2 takeout meals per week (typically Subway or Chinese); we usually average 1 to 2 per month. It is what it is and we're still WAY under food budget. :)
This post is linked to Menu Plan Menu.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
April 15th Is Not Just Tax Day
April 15, 2006 was an important day for me.
It was my due date for my second baby, one due a mere fourteen months after my first child had arrived.
April 15, 2006 was Tax Day, of course, but it was also the day before Easter that year. Easter Eve.
On April 15, 2006, I should have been having a baby. Or about to have a baby. Or taking care of a brand newborn baby.
I was not.
Instead, I had been home from the hospital for just about a week. I had come home with my second baby, a girl, who was, by then, nearing four months old.
My Easter Eve baby had arrived on Christmas Eve.
April 15th is never just Tax Day to me.
linked to Finer Things Friday
Role-Modeling For My Daughters

There was a time, not long ago, when I felt sure of the ways I was setting a good example. I thought I was setting a beautiful example by staying at home, being securely married, going to church every week, and preparing home-cooked meals. I was happy to be raising little girls in this environment, proud of the example of motherhood I was displaying.
But I've learned something.
What I'm doing matters so much less than how I'm doing it.
- If I'm a stay-at-home mom who grumbles about the drudgery, I'm doing them no favors.
- If I'm married to an honorable, steadfast man but do not demonstrate- openly- love and respect, they won't see the value.
- If I go to church, but rush around angry and frazzled in my haste to get everyone out the door rightthisveryminute, I fail in sharing the joy of worship.
- If I bake my own bread and sigh at the time and effort it takes, I'm not displaying anything they should aspire to...
- Whether you are a full-time homemaker or hold a powerful career outside the home too, embrace it. Let your daughters see you take pride in what you do, no matter if you do it by choice or necessity. It doesn't matter if I'm here because I want to be or because I lost my job; my girls need to see me celebrating the role.
- Whether you are married or single, show your daughters how you fulfill your responsibility. A crabby woman with a husband is not a better role model than a happy single mama. It's that simple.
- Show the celebration of worship! Pretty hair bows and being on time pale in comparison to an open heart and willingness to smile and sing and embrace the wonder.
- Find joy in baking bread... and, if you can't, find joy in picking up a loaf of Wonder. Trust me- you do your daughters a greater service by buying bread with a spring in your step than baking it with a stone in your heart.
Do not mistake what I am saying. What we do- and the choices we make- matter. They will play a role in shaping who our daughters become...
But, when, one day, I kiss them goodbye with tears in my eyes, I want them to be eager. And not so much eager to get married or embark on a career... I want them to be eager to be just like their mama:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Lent '11: Letting Go of Judgment, Challenge 6

There are only two challenges left. Can you believe it? Here's our Week 6 Challenge:
Try the other side, even if it's just once, and see how it goes. Obviously I would never suggest you do anything that goes against your faith or morality. But try something, from small to big, that's "different" for you. Be it drinking a soda, letting your kid try a Pop-Tart, or visiting a different denomination church, do something you wouldn't ordinarily do. Is it what you thought it would be?
Come on back and tell us about it.
I look forward to trying something new and I hope you do too!
Please come back to see me next Wednesday so we can talk about it and get our last challenge, okay?
Button design by the spectacular Sidnie
My Thoughts on Drinking Raw Milk

Lent '11: Letting Go of Judgment, Challenge 5 RESULTS
In case any of you have forgotten (or if you're new here- welcome!):
Week 5's Challenge was this:
Seek out information on an opposing viewpoint. Research a little. Find out what others think that makes them reach a different conclusion.
I read. A lot. I paid special attention to the links listed below. (Try not to be bothered by how, quite frankly, incredibly judgmental both of those posts are at some points. I think it comes from defensiveness since so many people attack the raw milk proponents. I'm not concerned about it.) Anyhow, rather than try to type it all out (I did try and it was LONG), I thought I'd just chat with you all for a moment and share some thoughts...
(p.s. Yes, I know my words do not match up with my lips in the video (it's not your computer, I promise)... and I can't figure out how to fix it! If it's really driving you batty, let me know in the comments, through email, or via twitter and I'll be happy to email you a link that DOES match up. My apologies for that!)
Links referenced:
Will the Real California Happy Cows Please Stand Up? from CheeseSlave
Why Skim Milk Will Make You Fat and Give You Heart Disease from The Healthy Home Economist
Did you participate this week? I'd love to read about what happened! Link up below or tell me about it in the comments:
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Secret to Crispy (not crunchy) Cookies

Don't judge my cookies by their cover, okay?
Rainy day + Webcam = Lousy Food Pics
You all get that, right?
Anyhow, this isn't so much a recipe post as it is a quick tip for adding new life to your own tried and true chocolate chip, oatmeal, or peanut butter cookie recipe:
After all other ingredients, stir in 1 to 2 cups of cereal. (My faves are Rice Krispies or Rice Chex, but don't feel limited!)
Why, you may wonder? It will transform the texture and add a layer of crispness without making your cookie hard or too crunchy.
Try it! And let me know what you think.
p.s. That green wall? My new kitchen color! I love green.
Linked to:
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Monday, April 11, 2011
Menu Plan: 4/10 - The "I'm Not Spontaneous" Plan
Ack. This kitchen renovation, while lovely, is seriously cramping my cooking style! Not only have I had days where I couldn't get at ANY of my major appliances, we've also been so busy on the weekends that we haven't made it to the store to do our major monthly trip.
Have I mentioned I am not the spontaneous sort???
Ah, well. 'Tis just a season. For this week, I'll be winging breakfasts and lunches a bit (I foresee oatmeal, muffins, eggs, quesadillas, and sandwiches on rotation!) and serving up the following "on hand" things for supper:
Sunday- Grilled Cheese, Applesauce
Monday- Fusilli w/ Red Sauce, Broccoli, Garlic Bread
Tuesday- Eggs in a Nest w/ Diced Honey Ham, Grapefruit
Wednesday- Chicken and Rice Enchiladas
Thursday- Souped Up Tomato Soup, Cheese Bread
Friday- Fire Roasted Tomato & Shrimp Pizza
Saturday- Macaroni Salad w/ Chicken, Carrots, etc.
Linked to Menu Plan Monday
Friday, April 8, 2011
What A Difference A Week Makes!
My poor youngest who looked like this last week...

... is back to her sunny self!

Kissing a 104 degree fever bye-bye? That's a finer thing, for sure!
(Are your babies sick? Lots of my Twitter friends seem to have illnesses moving through their families. Please let me know, if so, so I can keep you in my prayers!)

... is back to her sunny self!

Kissing a 104 degree fever bye-bye? That's a finer thing, for sure!
(Are your babies sick? Lots of my Twitter friends seem to have illnesses moving through their families. Please let me know, if so, so I can keep you in my prayers!)
How Your Character Should Be Measured

If the apples you served your children with breakfast were not organic...
If you polished your mirrors with Windex instead of vinegar...
If you still use a beloved cake frosting recipe that includes Crisco...
If you wash your hair with Pantene and not baking soda...
If you don't make your own cookies...
If you let your children eat cotton candy at the fair...
If you haven't scrubbed your floors in two weeks...
If the chicken you bought this morning came from the supermarket and not the farm...
If you ever feel like you're not measuring up to a godly standard...
... this is for you.
You ARE a good mom.
You ARE a good wife.
You DO love your family.
You ARE a good wife.
You DO love your family.
There's not a thing wrong with making changes or letting your opinions grow and change.
But do not believe the lie that this is how your character should be measured.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
When Your Child Isn't "Typical"

She is tough.
She just doesn't have to prove it everyday like she did back in her NICU days. Thank God for that.
Today, I took her to see the ENT. The tubes she had placed in her ears in April of 2008 were still there. They weren't functioning, mind you, but they weren't making their way out of her ear canals either. Her canals are just so very narrow.
We've been going back every three months just to hear the same thing, "They're still in there. I don't think I can get them out. She won't like it. See you in three months."
Today I asked if he (the doctor) was willing to try. He agreed, making sure I didn't get my hopes up.
Two minutes later, the tubes were out. C. never flinched.
"I have to tell you, Mrs. S., this is highly unusual. To remove objects that far in the ear with children this age, we typically have to go to the OR.'
C's not typical.
Thank God for that, too.
(Thanks so much to my Twitter tribe who prayed this morning... we are so grateful to have avoided going into surgery! C's history with anesthesia isn't great...)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Lent '11: Letting Go of Judgment, Challenge 5

Even though I realize that I will likely always make snap judgments based on my own opinions and ideals, it is real progress for me to be more accepting, loving, and open-minded as a result of this journey.
Have you participated in any of these challenges? I know I'm not alone in wanting to overcome being judgmental... many of you have shared your own desires with me!
Time truly flies and we're up to our Week 5 Challenge? Here it is:
Seek out information on an opposing viewpoint. Research a little. Find out what others think that makes them reach a different conclusion.
Are you confident that forgoing vaccines is the way to go? See what you can find out about those who choose to vaccinate. Can you not imagine teaching your child at home? Talk to some homeschoolers! Have you ever talked to someone who chose to bottle feed? No? Go for it.
I look forward to learning even more with this challenge and I hope you do too!
Please come back to see me next Wednesday so we can talk about it and get a new challenge, okay?
Button design by the spectacular Sidnie
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